Incorrigable Youth Complaints

The family division of the circuit court has jurisdiction in proceedings over a juvenile under the age of 17, if he or she is repeatedly disobedient to the reasonable and lawful commands of his or her parents, guardian, or custodian and the court finds on the record, by clear and convincing evidence, that court-accessed services are necessary.

Information for Completing Your Complaint

You must complete the attached complaint. Your complaint starts a legal process. If the case is scheduled for trial we must appoint a lawyer for your child. If the court finds your child is incorrigible and court-accessed services are necessary, the court will enter orders to rectify the situation. The court orders will be binding on you as well as the juvenile and may include probation and or family counseling. You could be required to pay the cost for your child’s lawyer and for the court services. A petition will be prepared based upon the information you have submitted in the complaint. You must return to the court to sign the petition for the matter to go forward. The complaint includes specific allegations you are making against a juvenile.

  1. You must complete the complaint form yourself. Court employees are forbidden by law to provide legal advice.
  2. Your allegations that your son or daughter is incorrigible must refer to specific dates events and behavior.

If the court accepts your complaint, it may be several weeks until a court date is scheduled. Your son or daughter will be at home with you during this time.

 *You must present a statement from a counseling agency to support your efforts to use community resources. This is required even if your child refuses to attend with you.

You can also call 2-1-1 from any landline or from Cingular or Verizon cellular phones to access information from United Way which may assist you in your efforts to get your child on the right track.

Incorrigibility Complaint Form:

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